Al het laatste nieuws van Rainbow Network尊敬的各位用户 我公司官网于2024年1月23日下午 到 1月24日 突然网站无法访问。 具体原因:由于域名组织ICAAN 和域名注册商1API的工作人员失职 误操作导致我公司域名dns失效,以至于我公司网站无法正常访问。 发生问题第一时间 我公司就排查故障 以及联系域名注册服务商沟通 由于时差原因 造成处理恢复速度 有延迟。故而引起各位客户不必要的恐慌 谣传“跑路” 。我公司特此声明:“有各位看官造谣“彩虹云跑路” 我公司保留追究其法律责任。 如果跑路,各位用户的服务也会无法访问才是。请不要妄自猜想和造谣 以及以讹传讹。 感谢各位客户长期以来的信任和支持,我公司会一如既往的服务好每一位支持我们的客户 2024年1月25号 彩虹网络
Hi In order to provide better and longer-term services to users, the company has decided to cooperate with the requirements of the Chinese mainland authorities and comply with relevant laws and regulations. To conduct business in China, it is necessary to complete customer information certification. international customer need to provide ID, passport scan and utility bill...
hello, Hello everyone, Recently, in order to give users a better experience, we launched the cloud with large bandwidth cn2 access to China, but due to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan, cn2 costs are very expensive .And many people use it to do VPN, proxy services, causing a lot of our IP to be blocked by gwf in mainland China, and can no longer use the service to other customers. And for...
Award Winning It's not just our's our people. At Rainbow Network we are committed to continually evaluating and improving our product line and enhancing your services - ensuring that we're always firmly ahead of the competition. We strive to provide our customers with everything that they need to be successful. As technology changes, so do we. And we've been doing this every...